
EP074: ROD SERLING: His Life, Work and Imagination (with Nick Parisi / Interview)

Rod Serling is as grand a subject as The Twilight Zone for which he is known. But did you know that he had established himself as the preeminent writer for television before he ever breached The Fifth Dimension? We trace his early career with author Nick Parisi, whose book, Rod Serling: His Life, Work and Imagination has just been released.

EP045: Kevin Shinick / Memories of Tony Randall

We chat with Emmy Award-winning writer/actor/producer, Kevin Shinick about his mentor, Tony Randall, in a special bonus installment of TV TERROR that follows up our Odd Couple Christmas Carol episode. Join us!

EP011: The Teachable Twilight Zone (Author Interview)

We visit with Mark Dawidziak to discuss his best-selling book, EVERYTHING I NEED TO KNOW I LEARNED IN THE TWILIGHT ZONE. It’s an absorbing look at life principles from the Fifth Dimension, stirring reminders found in Rod Serling’s timeless fantasy series.

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