
EP024: Dan Curtis’ DRACULA (1973), starring Jack Palance.

It’s the TV TERROR Season One grand finale… Episode 24: Dan Curtis’ DRACULA (1973)! Jack Palance wears the cape and Dan Curtis directs from a script by Richard Matheson. Visiting with me in the great green living room are special guests, Anthony D. P. Mann and Barry Yuen, both highly qualified to plumb the depths of one of the finest productions of its kind. Grab a wooden stake and join us, why don’t you….

EP011: The Teachable Twilight Zone (Author Interview)

We visit with Mark Dawidziak to discuss his best-selling book, EVERYTHING I NEED TO KNOW I LEARNED IN THE TWILIGHT ZONE. It’s an absorbing look at life principles from the Fifth Dimension, stirring reminders found in Rod Serling’s timeless fantasy series.

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