
EP117: Kolchak The Night Stalker with Mark Dawidziak

I’m joined by Mark Dawidziak, author of The Night Stalker Companion to discuss Kolchak The Night Stalker. Mark has a new book about Edgar Allen Poe as well as The Shawshank Redemption. We discuss these as prelude to our main topic: Kolchak. Mark is the world’s leading authority on the subject and it’s our privilege to have him with us for today’s episode.

EP092: Kolchak Episode: THE VAMPIRE (1974)

In this direct sequel to the first Kolchak telefilm, a victim of the Las Vegas vampire journeys to Los Angeles and begins a new cycle of feeding — only Kolchak will recognize the pattern of vampirism. LISTEN IN…

EP028: Kolchak is on the trail of THE NIGHT STRANGLER (1973)….

With the passing of TV-icon, Richard Anderson, let’s break the ice on Kolchak with the second telefilm in the series, THE NIGHT STRANGLER (1973), directed by Dan Curtis from the Richard Matheson script. We’ll also talk Stephen King’s IT, open the listener voice-mail bag, and tie up some loose ends regarding Tobe Hooper’s TV filmography.

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